1. How ready is your IT infrastructure, such as Domain Name Server(DNS) and load balancing switches, to handle Big Data?

Somewhat - We have some of these in place

We biult our IT infrastructure with cloud and Big Data in mind

2. Does your team have the necessary skills such as Hadoop, relational database management systems or structured query language required to manage Big data

Patchy - we are still developing the skills we need to better harness data

We have a full complacement of skills needed to get value from our data

3. What kinds of platforms do you use to manage your data?

We use discrete manaual systemns internally (XLS, CRM, ERP, etc)

We manage our data holistically via cloud to maximise efficiency

4. Have you set up your IT infrastructure so you can gather and react to data flexibly (e.g. by using IaaS or PaaS)?

We use some data monitoring and management tools but not in real time and not via cloud

Yes, We believe managing and monitoring data routinmely accross the organisation via cloud facillitates greater collaboration and new opportunities for process innovation and business analytics.

5. What best describes your approach to customer analytics?

We use traditional, established marketing tools to gather data and insights

We analyse a range of data in the cloud - web, social and mobile marketing, demand generation, customer acquisition and retention. It accelerates our ability to turn customer information into insights and profits


Note: Please Compare your Score with the score on the Right.